1 Setup

Install required packages (only if the packages have not been installed before):

installed <- rownames(installed.packages())
required <- c("tidyverse",
if (!all(required %in% installed)) {
  install.packages(required[!required %in% installed])

Load packages:

library(tidyverse)      # To do data science
library(tidylog)        # To provide feedback on dplyr functions
library(here)           # To find files
library(readxl)         # To read Excel files
library(sf)             # To convert coordinate systems
library(DBI)            # To work with databases
library(RSQLite)        # To work with SQLite databases in R
library(digest)         # To create hashes
library(testthat)       # To perform tests

2 Read source data

Create a data frame occurrences from the source data:

occurrences <- readxl::read_excel(
  path = here("data", "raw", "rivierkreeften_ANB september 2022.xlsx")) %>%
  mutate(datum = as.character(.data$datum),
         x = as.character(x))

Preview data:

occurrences %>% head(n = 5)

3 Process source data

Define vector with the IAS crayfishes of interest:

ias_crayfishes <- c(
  "Pontastacus leptodactylus", 
  "Pacifastacus leniusculus", 
  "Faxonius limosus",
  "Faxonius rusticus",
  "Procambarus clarkii",
  "Procambarus acutus",
  "Procambarus fallax"

3.1 Tidy data

Pivot data to convert the columns Pontastacus leptodactylus, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Faxonius limosus, Faxonius rusticus, Procambarus clarkii, Procambarus acutus and Procambarus fallax in two columns called species and n:

occurrences <- 
  occurrences %>%
    cols = one_of(ias_crayfishes), 
    names_to = "species", 
    values_to = "n"

Set n to 0 if NA:

occurrences <- 
  occurrences %>%
  mutate(n = if_else(is.na(.data$n), 0, .data$n))

Example tidy transformation:

occurrences %>% 
  select(locatie, species, n) %>%

3.2 Improve location identifiers

Some location identifiers are just numbers. Notice that they all have a non empty description (column omschrijving):

occurrences %>%
  filter(!grepl("\\D", locatie)) %>%
  distinct(locatie, omschrijving)

Create column location composed of the first capital letter of each word in omschrijving and the number in locatie:

occurrences <-
  occurrences %>%
  rowwise() %>%
    location = if_else(
      !grepl("\\D", locatie),
                                              pattern = "[A-Z]")),
               collapse = ""),
        locatie, collapse = ""),
    )) %>%

Improved locations:

occurrences %>%
  filter(!grepl("\\D", locatie)) %>%
  distinct(locatie, omschrijving, location)

Other locations should not be changed. Example:

occurrences %>%
  filter(grepl("\\D", locatie)) %>% 
  distinct(locatie, omschrijving, location) %>%

3.3 Clean geographical coordinates

Some rows contain suspicious coordinates:

occurrences %>%
  filter(!grepl("\\D", locatie)) %>%
  distinct(x, y)

The decimal separator (.), if missing, has to be set after six digits from left:

# add dot after six digits
occurrences$x_improved <- gsub("^(.{6})(.*)$",
occurrences$y_improved <- gsub("^(.{6})(.*)$",
# remove duplicate dots
occurrences$x_improved <- gsub("(\\.)\\1+", "\\1", occurrences$x_improved)
occurrences$y_improved <- gsub("(\\.)\\1+", "\\1", occurrences$y_improved)
# remove dot at the end
occurrences$x_improved <- gsub("\\.$", "", occurrences$x_improved)
occurrences$y_improved <- gsub("\\.$", "", occurrences$y_improved)

See changes:

occurrences %>% distinct(x, y, x_improved, y_improved)

3.4 Change coordinate system

Data are provided in Belgian Lambert72 (EPSG 31370) coordinates. DwC accepts data in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) only.

occurrences <- 
  occurrences %>%
  # remove x and y as they contain errors
  select(-c(x, y)) %>%
  # create duplicate of x_improved and y_improved using lambert as suffix
  mutate(x_lambert = x_improved,
         y_lambert = y_improved) %>%
  # transform to numeric
  mutate(across(ends_with("improved"), as.numeric)) %>%
  # transform to a geospatial dataframe
  st_as_sf(crs = st_crs(31370), coords = c("x_improved", "y_improved")) %>%
  # transform corodinate reference system
  st_transform(crs = 4326)
# retrieve coordinates from geospatial dataframe
coords <- as_tibble(st_coordinates(occurrences))
# convert back to standard data.frame attaching new coordinates
occurrences <- 
  as_tibble(occurrences) %>% 
  bind_cols(coords) %>%


occurrences %>% head(5)

3.5 Generate hashes for species names

We generate a hash based on the species name as saved in column species. This is needed to create a unique occurrenceID of the form eventID:hash where eventID will be later defined during the mapping. As long as the species name doesn’t change, the hash and so the occurrenceID will be stable:

vdigest <- Vectorize(digest)
# Generate hashes
occurrences <-
  occurrences %>% 
  mutate(species_name_hash = vdigest(.data$species, algo = "md5"))


occurrences %>%
  select(starts_with("species")) %>%

4 Create database

Create a SQLite database with the source data, so it can be queried with SQL in the next steps:

message("Create in memory SQLite database...")
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
# import occurrences
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "occurrences", occurrences)

5 Darwin Core mapping

Create Event core:

dwc_event_sql <- glue::glue_sql(
  readr::read_file(here::here("sql", "dwc_event.sql")),
  .con = con
dwc_event <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, dwc_event_sql)

Create Occurrence extension:

message("Map occurrences to DwC...")
dwc_occurrence_sql <- glue::glue_sql(
  readr::read_file(here::here("sql", "dwc_occurrence.sql")), 
  .con = con
dwc_occurrence <- DBI::dbGetQuery(con, dwc_occurrence_sql)

Close connection to sqlite database:


6 Save data to CSV

write_csv(dwc_event, here::here("data", "processed", "event.csv"), na = "")
write_csv(dwc_occurrence, here::here("data", "processed", "occurrence.csv"),
          na = ""

7 Test output

Load tests and run them to validate the DwC mapping:

source(here("tests", "test_dwc_event_occurrence.R"))
## Rows: 256 Columns: 21
## ── Column specification ──────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (15): type, language, license, rightsHolder, datasetID, institutionCode...
## dbl   (5): decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,...
## date  (1): eventDate
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## Rows: 1792 Columns: 9
## ── Column specification ──────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (8): eventID, basisOfRecord, occurrenceID, occurrenceStatus, occurrenceR...
## dbl (1): individualCount
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## Test passed 😀
## Test passed 🎉
## Test passed 🎉
## Test passed 😸
## Test passed 😀
## Test passed 🥳
## Test passed 🥇
## Test passed 🌈
## Test passed 😸
## Test passed 🎉
## Test passed 🎊
## Test passed 🌈
## Test passed 🥳
## Test passed 😸
## Test passed 😸
## Test passed 🥇
## Test passed 🌈
## Test passed 🌈
## Test passed 🎊